The Rev. Edwin Andrew Vincent Schmidt

the rev. edwin schmidt
The Rev. Edwin Andrew Vincent Schmidt, 79, of St. Martins, passed away Saturday, April 15, 2017, at his residence. Father Schmidt was born on December 18, 1937, in Tipton, Missouri, the son of the late Aloysius A. and Anna Johanna (Fischer) Schmidt. He is survived by his brother, David G.(Sheryl) Schmidt and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by siblings: Arthur P. Schmidt, Sister Mary Agnes Schmidt, CDP, Harold J. Schmidt, Ruth H. Schmidt, Margaret E. Schmidt, James H. Schmidt, Norbert J. Schmidt and Mary Magdalen Schmidt. Father Schmidt attended St. Andrew Grade School in Tipton from 1943-1949 and St. Francis Xavier Grade School in Kansas City, Missouri from 1949-1950. He attended St. Andrew High School in Tipton from 1950-1951. He then entered St. John's Seminary High School from 1951-1955 and St. John's Seminary College from 1955-1957 in Kansas City, Missouri. He attended the Pontifical College Josephinum in Worthington, Ohio from 1957-1963. Father Schmidt was ordained to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ on May 25, 1963 by His Excellency, Archbishop Egidio Vagnazzi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States at St. Turibius Chapel of the Pontifical College Josephinum. His pastoral assignments were: Assistant Pastor, St. Mary Church, Hannibal, appointed June 14, 1963; Assistant Pastor, St. Joseph Church, Edina, appointed August 25, 1965; Assistant Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul Church, Boonville, appointed June 15, 1967; Pastor, St. Theresa Church, Dixon and St. Cornelius, Crocker, appointed November 10, 1969; Pastor, St. George Church, Linn and the Mission of St. Alexander, Belle, appointed March 22, 1971; Pastor, Catholic Church of Hannibal, appointed July 15, 1980 (merged St. Mary and Blessed Sacrament Parishes into present day Holy Family Parish); Temporary Administrator, St. Andrew Church, Tipton, appointed July 1-31, 2009; Pastor, St. Martin Church, St. Martins, appointed July 15, 1993 until his death on April 15, 2017. Other positions held by Father Schmidt: Area Vocation Director, 1963-1967; Jefferson City East Deanery Moderator for the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, 1973-1980; Hannibal Deanery Moderator for the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, 1981-1993; Dean of Hannibal Deanery, 1989-1992; Priests' Personnel Board, 1987-1989, 1992-1997; Dean of Jefferson City Deanery, 1994-1998; Priests' Senate 1989-1990, 1995-1997; College of Consultors, 1994-1998; Priest Representative to Diocesan Pastoral Council, September 2012-September 2015, ex officio member of the Helias Catholic High School Board of Directors, until March 2017, Diaconate Advisory Board/Diaconate Board of Admissions and Scrutinies, 1998-2017; and Appointed Member of Presbyteral Council, 2010-2017. Father Schmidt's community involvement included: Chaplain to Knights of Columbus for over 30 years; 4th Degree Knight of Columbus in 1989; played Santa Claus in Edina; member of Jaycees in Boonville, receiving the Service to Humanity Award in 1969; volunteer fireman in Dixon, member of Kiwanis, received the local Jefferson Award in October 2016. Father Schmidt celebrated his 25th Anniversary of Holy Priesthood on May 30, 1988, at Holy Family Church in Hannibal and on June 4, 1988, at St. Andrew Church in Tipton. He celebrated his 50th Anniversary of Holy Priesthood at St. Martin Church in St. Martins on May 26, 2013. Visitation will be at St. Martin Catholic Church, 7148 St. Martins Blvd., St. Martins, Missouri, on Thursday, April 20, 2017, from 2-7 p.m. with the Prayer Service at 2 p.m. The concelebrated Mass of Christian Burial will be Friday, April 21, 2017, at 11 a.m. at St. Martin Catholic Church with the Most Rev. John R. Gaydos presiding. Burial will be in the St. Martin Catholic Cemetery in St. Martins, Missouri. Memorials are suggested to the St. Martin Catholic Church, 7148 St. Martins Blvd., Jefferson City, MO 65109. Dulle-Trimble Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. Those wishing to email tributes or condolences to the family may do so at the website.

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  1. We will miss you Father Ed but you will live on in all the live you have touched. God love you.

  2. Father Ed :

    Earth loss is heavens gain !

    You will be missed dearly ,say hello to Kelsey for me !

    I miss you both !

  3. Father Ed :

    Earth loss is heavens gain !

    You will be missed dearly ,say hello to Kelsey for me !

    I miss you both !

  4. It will not be the same at St Martin’s without you, your presence will be felt every where. I felt like God would call you home Easter and better yet, it was Easter Vigil. We love you so much Fr Ed….God Love Ya!!!

  5. Father Ed;

    You will be missed immensely by so many people. You have sincerely touched so many people’s lives in so many beautiful ways. You always had a Smile and a ” God Love Ya” for everybody. God has gained an Angel in Heaven. You will always be remembered in our hearts.

    Until we meet again,

    John and RoseAnn Dussold

  6. Father Ed;

    You will be missed immensely by so many people. You have sincerely touched so many people’s lives in so many beautiful ways. You always had a Smile and a ” God Love Ya” for everybody. God has gained an Angel in Heaven. You will always be remembered in our hearts.

    Until we meet again,

    John and RoseAnn Dussold

  7. Such A sweet heart! A true, humble and great example of a man of God. Will be missed and never forgotten.

  8. Fr. Ed;

    You were so much more than words can describe. God created you for his purpose and you fulfilled that purpose here on earth. You were always an example for us all to live by and by your example we will continue to strive to do what God wants of us also. Thank you for everything you did for all of us. You will always, always be in our hearts forever and ever. Rest in peace and thank you!

  9. Fr. Ed;

    You were so much more than words can describe. God created you for his purpose and you fulfilled that purpose here on earth. You were always an example for us all to live by and by your example we will continue to strive to do what God wants of us also. Thank you for everything you did for all of us. You will always, always be in our hearts forever and ever. Rest in peace and thank you!

  10. God Love Ya, Father Ed! So many memories of you for, not only me, but for my daughter, grandson & granddaughter! Thank you for all your great examples you set and the kindness you shared/showed. May your rest in peace!

  11. He baptised me and gave me may first communion. When I was scared and crying in front of church he stood be hind me and told me what to say. He will always be the picture I see when I think of church and God. A happy man who always had time to let me stand by him or sit on his lap. He told me when I was a kid that he was my telephone to God. He was the best. I will always remember him.

  12. Father Ed:

    You were such an inspiration to others and will be missed immensely. There were so many memories of you. God love ya!

  13. Father Ed:

    You were such an inspiration to others and will be missed immensely. There were so many memories of you. God love ya!

  14. Fr. Ed had a gift for recognizing people and praying with, and for, them. He used his many talents in service to all and we were the beneficiaries. I pray in thanksgiving for him and for all of you in the St.Martin’s parish in this time of teansition. Judeen Schulte, School Sisters of St. Francis

  15. He was a wonderful man. He baptized me and gave me my first communion. I loved when he came to visit and bless our home.

  16. Fr. Ed, we are in pain because we love you and you are gone. But we are happy because you are no longer in pain. We are sad because no more will we see your happy, smiling face. But we know that you are gazing upon the glorious face of God in Heaven, and for that we are joyous! You will forever by in our hearts. God love ya, Fr. Ed. We sure do.

  17. This gregarious, holy man, touched my life briefly as a teenager. I was so

    lucky to have known him and will carry many treasured memories of that time when he served us in St. Joseph’s Parish at Edina. We, who were fortunate enough to have known him, are very blessed. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  18. This gregarious, holy man, touched my life briefly as a teenager. I was so

    lucky to have known him and will carry many treasured memories of that time when he served us in St. Joseph’s Parish at Edina. We, who were fortunate enough to have known him, are very blessed. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  19. Father Ed, Thanks for touching our lives in ways you will never know until we meet again. God love you!

  20. RIP Fr. Ed. You will be missed. My sympathy goes out to Betty as I know she lost her best friend. On behalf of my mother Ann Boillot I send our sympathy and hugs and prayers. God Love Ya!

  21. Father Ed was my first pastor as a brand new first year teacher in Linn, Mo. What a wonderful example of collaboration and support. Had many wonderful time together – playing cards, being snowed in, and going to Jeff City for lunch. THanks for your expample and faith. Peace to you now.

    SIster Janise Berberich, SSND

  22. Father Ed was my first pastor as a brand new first year teacher in Linn, Mo. What a wonderful example of collaboration and support. Had many wonderful time together – playing cards, being snowed in, and going to Jeff City for lunch. THanks for your expample and faith. Peace to you now.

    SIster Janise Berberich, SSND

  23. Fr Ed,

    We remember your welcoming us to St Martins Church, and we know that you have been welcomed to your Father’s house with the same welcoming arms by which you greeted us. You have changed our lives forever, as we know that you have done for many before and after us. We send our love and prayers.

    Tom and Claudia Hartman

  24. Fr Ed,

    We remember your welcoming us to St Martins Church, and we know that you have been welcomed to your Father’s house with the same welcoming arms by which you greeted us. You have changed our lives forever, as we know that you have done for many before and after us. We send our love and prayers.

    Tom and Claudia Hartman

  25. Fr. Ed,

    There are so many moments that stand out. When you stood up and said Bishop Gaydos had said this may be the most important ministry of your life, I didn’t know how true it was. You taught us as much in dying as in living.

    Our boys will miss running to hug you after mass. We will miss your ready smile as you reach out to bless each one by name. That was the first thing that impressed me-you knew my name. Even when Paul & I were dating, you knew my name. As each boy was born, you knew theirs too. No greater exhibit of God’s love could be than that-you knew our names just as He does.

    On Saturday, as mass progressed, I kept thinking that you must love hearing it-the music, the bells, the voices-the Allelujah, the Litany of the Saints. It was fitting that you would end your earthly journey so close to the people and ministry that you loved and I am thankful we were a part of the last earthly mass you heard.

    May you enjoy the beautiful, eternal Easter celebration that awaits in heaven. You will never be forgotten. Until we meet again, we will offer it up. God love ya, Fr. Ed. We sure do.

    -Cheri & Paul Kirsch; Sion, John, & Athan

  26. Fr. Ed,

    There are so many moments that stand out. When you stood up and said Bishop Gaydos had said this may be the most important ministry of your life, I didn’t know how true it was. You taught us as much in dying as in living.

    Our boys will miss running to hug you after mass. We will miss your ready smile as you reach out to bless each one by name. That was the first thing that impressed me-you knew my name. Even when Paul & I were dating, you knew my name. As each boy was born, you knew theirs too. No greater exhibit of God’s love could be than that-you knew our names just as He does.

    On Saturday, as mass progressed, I kept thinking that you must love hearing it-the music, the bells, the voices-the Allelujah, the Litany of the Saints. It was fitting that you would end your earthly journey so close to the people and ministry that you loved and I am thankful we were a part of the last earthly mass you heard.

    May you enjoy the beautiful, eternal Easter celebration that awaits in heaven. You will never be forgotten. Until we meet again, we will offer it up. God love ya, Fr. Ed. We sure do.

    -Cheri & Paul Kirsch; Sion, John, & Athan

  27. God love ya !!! Fr. Ed😇 I will always will remember you and to offer it up

    and carry my cross ⛪ you will be deeply missed!!!!

  28. God love ya !!! Fr. Ed😇 I will always will remember you and to offer it up

    and carry my cross ⛪ you will be deeply missed!!!!

  29. We have lost a close friend, and closer spiritual adviser. You have helped me immensely in becoming more than a religious person. You have helped me to become spiritual, to focus on prayer much more than I had been capable of doing due to ADHD and inability to focus deeply on prayer.

    I cannot thank you enough. May Almighty God raise you to a special place in Heaven.

  30. We have lost a close friend, and closer spiritual adviser. You have helped me immensely in becoming more than a religious person. You have helped me to become spiritual, to focus on prayer much more than I had been capable of doing due to ADHD and inability to focus deeply on prayer.

    I cannot thank you enough. May Almighty God raise you to a special place in Heaven.

  31. Father Ed was pastor in Hannibal. He truly made each person feel special and loved by God. There are so many things I could say about Fr. Ed. I remember how he picked out a unique Christmas gift for each member of the faculty, the supportive notes he included with our pay checks, the meals together, playing cards, taking the eighth graders to Six Flags and most of all his deep faith and great laugh. Rose Ann Willenbrink (formerly Sister Rose Ann Kraft)

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